Acceptance of Medical Trainees

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Training Courses/Curriculums

Training Course Examples

 Training Fields


aRadiation dosimetry1-3 months1 Physical dosimetry
2 Biological dosimetry
(chromosome aberrations and somatic cell mutation)
bAssessment of biological effects of radiation1-3 months1 Cytogenetics
2 Molecular biology
3 Oncology
cDiagnosis of radiation disorders1-3 months1 General Internal MedicineHematology, thyroid gland, breast gland, respiratory organ, digestive organ, endocrinology and dermatology
2 General Surgery
dEpidemiological and statistical methods1-3 months1 Epidemiological method
2 Statistical method
eClinical laboratory techniques1 month1 Image diagnosis
(X-ray, CT, scintigraphy, ultrasonography)
2 Hematology
(peripheral blood test, bone marrow aspiration and/or biopsy tests)
3 Thyroid function
(serological test, 131 I uptake test)
4 Others
(pulmonary function tests, endoscopy)
fNursing2 weeks1 Acute diseases
2 Chronic diseases
3 Hematological disorders
4 Pediatric diseases
6 Terminal care
gBriefings at radiation-related institutions1 week