Acceptance of Medical Trainees

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Training programs which were conducted partly at the request of other organizations 2018-2020

List of Trainees


As of 2018

2018 - 2020

FYCountryAffiliationNo. of personsHost Organization
2018SwitzerlandProfessors and  students of La Source University ( Haute Ecole de la Santé La Source)4

Japanese Red Cross  College of Nursing

2018PhilippinesParticipants of JICA program "Development of Human Resources in Bangsamoro Autonomous Government in Mindanao, Philippines"12

Japan International Cooperation Agency


|                     | 2021-2023 | 2018-2020 | 2015-2017 |         

| 2012-2014   | 2009-2011 | 2006-2008 | 2003-2005 |
| 2000-2002   | 1997-1999  | 1994-1996 | 1991-1993  |