Acceptance of Medical Trainees

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Training programs which were conducted partly at the request of other organizations 2015-2017

List of Trainees


As of 2018

2015 - 2017

FYCountryAffiliationNo. of personsHost Organization
2016Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, KazakfstanTraining Course of Medical Care for Radiation-exposed6

Nagasaki Association for Hibakushas' Medical Care


2016Burundi, Sudan, UgandaGroup Training Course of  "Peace Education through Promoting Mutual understanding"6Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
2017Brundi, Colombia, Iraq, Sudan, YemenParticipants of JICA program “Peace Education through Promoting Mutual understanding10 Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
2017Philippines Participants of JICA program "Development of Human Resources in Bangsamoro Autonomous Government in Mindanao, Philippines"12 Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)



|                     | 2021-2023 | 2018-2020 | 2015-2017 |         

| 2012-2014   | 2009-2011 | 2006-2008 | 2003-2005 |
| 2000-2002   | 1997-1999  | 1994-1996 | 1991-1993  |