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Over the Years

Four Doctors from Brazil and Korea Invited for Training

List of participants:


    Coordinator of Radiotherapy Department, Hospital Japonês Santa Cruz (Radiation Oncologist)

2.Dr. Lucia Roberta DA CRUZ PAIAO UMEZU

    Chief of Pain Clinic, Hospital Nipo-Brasileiro (Anesthesiologist)

3.Dr. Minsu CHO

    Director, National Radiation Emergency Medical Center (Surgeon)

4.Dr. Geumcheol JEONG

    Chief of  Emergrncy Medical Team, National Radiation Emergency Medical Center (Nuclear Medicine Specialist)

Period of Training:

Participants 1 and 2

January 15 to February 2, 2024

Participants 3 and 4

January 15 to 19, 2024

Training Organization (in order of visits):

<January 15 -18 > All the participants

  Participated in

  IAEA/HICARE CC INTERNATIONAL TRAINING COURSE  on Medical Responses to Radiation Accidents and Disasters

<January 19 > All the participants

  Hiroshima Red Cross Hospital & Atomic-bomb Survivors Hospital

  Hiroshima Prefectural Government (Lecture by Professor Emeritus Kamada of Hiroshima University)

<January 22 ~23 > Participant 1, 2

  Hiroshima City Office

  Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Casualty Council

<January 24 ~26 > Participant 1, 2

   Hiroshima University Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine,

<January 29 - February 2 >
   Participant 1 : Department of Radiation Oncology
   Participant 2 : Department of Anesthesiologyl

Training Courses:

All participants

IAEA/HICARE CC International Training Course

Briefings at radiation-related institutions

Participant 1 and 2

Diagnosis of radiation disorders


-  I will be able to better attend the A-bomb survivors regarding their needs and expectancies, or even support their attending doctors or health care professionals.

- The presentations gave more clarifying and practical orientations about the recommended management of this population.

- I was so impressed by the way to work, the focus and seriousness and I absorbed that. The ambience of respect in the office, the punctuality was really important to see.

- I will use it to improve the contents of radiation emergency medical treatment training for medical staff in Korea and to provide consultations on the radiation health effects.

-It is also a good opprtunity to improve the misperceptions in my country regarding the Fukushima "contaminated water" discharge.