Home > Over the Years > Over the Fiscal Years (2010 APR - 2020 MAR) > Three Doctors from Latvia and U.S.A
HICARE received 3 medical professionals from Latvia and the United States for training on assessment of biological effects of radiation (molecular biology) and health care of the radiation-exposed.
1. Zanna Martinsone (Latvia)
Senior researcher, Institute of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health, Riga Stradins
2. Mae S. I. Kyono (U.S.A.)
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Hawai‘I John A. Burns School of Medicine
3. Wade T. Kyono (U.S.A.)
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Hawai‘I John A. Burns School of Medicine
Trainee 1
November 2 to 30, 2015
Trainee 2, 3
November 9 to 13, 2015
< November 9 to 13 > All of the trainees
Kurakake Nozomi-en (A-bomb survivors nursing home)
Hiroshima University Hospital (Advanced Emergency and Critical Care Center)
Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Casualty Council
Radiation Effects Research Foundation
Hiroshima Red Cross Hospital & Atomic-bomb Survivors Hospital
Hiroshima University Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum and others
< November 2 to 6, 16 to 30 > Trainee 1
Radiation Effects Research Foundation
Trainee 1
Assessment of biological effects of radiation
Epidemiological and statistical methods
Trainee 2, 3
Briefings at radiation-related institutions
With Dr. Nanao Kamada (right back), Board Chairman of Hiroshima A-Bomb Survivors Relief Foundation
With Dr. Nobuyuki Hirohashi (left back), Associate Professor of Advanced Emergency and Critical Care Center, Hiroshima University Hospital
With Dr. Saeko Fujiwara (left back), Director of Health Management & Promotion Center, Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Casualty Council
With Dr. Sadakane (left back), Acting Lab Chief, Laboratory of Pathology, Department of Epidemiology, Radiation Effects Research Foundation
With Dr. Shunichi Kaseda (right back), Vice President of Hiroshima Red Cross Hospital & Atomic-bomb Survivors Hospital
With Professor Satoshi Tashiro (left back), Hiroshima University Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine
Dr. Mae Kyono received the certificate from Prof. Tashiro.
Dr. Wade Kyono received the certificate from Prof. Tashiro.
Dr. Martinsone received the certificate from Dr. Tomonori Hayashi, assistant department Chief, Radiobiology/Molecular Epidemiology, Radiation Effects Research Foundation
-My knowledge of the effects of radiation was limited to radiation used to treat cancer. Now I have a much better idea of the radiation from the A-bomb and its effects on people.The increased risk of cancer was very interesting and informative. The collection of data from so many patients is striking in what it has shown us about radiation exposure.
-I had misconceptions about the bombing and radiation effect on people. I thought the bomb caused more death due to the initial radiation effects. (I thought the radiation caused heat that cremated people and buildings). I have learned so much. I will educate others that I work with and friends about the atomic bomb and how radiation affected people of different ages including children in utero.
-This training was very beneficial and instructive, because I got knew knowledges and skills for analyzing of inflammatory markers (RS, cytokines etc.) and chromosomal aberration (FISH method). As I got informative and useful material about theory and methods, I will improve my study materials in my academic activities to include them.
I got additional information about A-bombing effects on survivors’ health and what health care system can be available to them. I will give an outlook to my colleagues and collaborators about my new experience I gained here.